The poster session:

Adriana Juzga León (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)

Finitely presentated restricted metabelian Lie algebras over perfect fields

Luis Alexandher Vergara Gómez (ESFM-IPN)

Dice Primes

Eduardo Camps Moreno (ESFM-IPN)

Códigos álgebro-geométricos y códigos polares

Eudes Antonio Costa (Colegiado de Matemática-UFT)

On maximal trivial Jordan subalgebra of the simple Jordan algebra

René Gonzalez (UNAM)

Ideales binomiales de arista Gorenstein

Cesar A. Ipanaque Zapata (Universidade de São Paulo)

Configuration spaces for groups

Delio Jaramillo Velez (CIMAT)

The F-pure threshold of a Thom-Sebastiani-type sum

Doris Y. Madroñero Toro ( Universidad de Nariño)

Conjuntos producto pequeños en grupos no abelianos finitos

Jonathan Toledo (Cinvestav-IPN)

Edge ideals of weighted oriented graphs

José Simental Rodriguez (University of California, Davis)

Hecke algebras and lattice-path counting

Sara Raissa (University of Brasilia)

Exponent of a finite group of odd order with an involutory automorphism

Nathália Nogueira (Universidade de Brasília)

The $q$-tensor square of a powerful $p$-group, $q\geq 0$

Martha Lizbeth Shaid Sandoval Miranda (UAM)

On the weak-injectivity profile of a ring

Lourdes Cruz (Cinvestav-IPN)

Ideales tóricos intersección completa asociados a gráficas y gráficas orientadas

© XXIII CLA 2019